Nov 24th
The Terrornauts
(GB 1967)
Amicus. 75m.
Astronomers pick up warning signals from a lost civilisation that has been doing battle with a primitive enemy.
Cheap Amicus production values soon derail this piece of sci-fi hokum, with a Flash Gordon-style finale; the sort of subject that had a better imagination or scope on radio than in pictures.
w: John Brunner, from the story "The Wailing Asteroid" by Murray Leinster
p: Max Rosenberg, Milton Subotsky
d: Montgomery Tully
s: Simon Oates, Zena Marshall, Charles Hawtrey, Stanley Meadows, Max Adrian, Max Adrian,Patricia Hayes
ph: Geoffrey Faithfull
m: Elisabeth Lutyens
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
THE TERRORNAUTS. A curious Amicus precursor of Star Wars in some ways, with Zena Marshall as Princess Leia, Simon Oates and Stanley Meadows (far right) as Han and Luke,or vice versa. The more instantly recognisable Charles Hawtrey and Patricia Hayes would quite easily pass off as human versions of C-3PO and R2-D2 - although the robot in the background has echoes of Robby from Forbidden Planet.
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