Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oct 27th   
Woman in a Dressing Gown**         
(GB 1957)

ABPC/Godwin-Willis. 92m. bw

An unkempt housewife and mother loses her husband to his young secretary, who wants him to divorce.
Uncomfortable pre-kitchen sink melodrama in down-to-earth settings, occasionally overdone in terms of direction and its leading performance, but still commendably non-judgemental and powerfully realistic.

Written by: Ted Willis, from his play.
Producers: Frank Godwin, J. Lee Thompson.
Director: J. Lee Thompson.
Starring: Yvonne Mitchell, Anthony Quayle, Sylvia Sims, Andrew Ray, Carole Lesley.
Photography: Gilbert Taylor.
Music: Louis Levy.


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