Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sep 17th     
One Million Years B.C.*                             
(GB 1966)
Hammer. 100m.

In prehistoric times, early Man struggles to survive with quarreling tribes, deadly dinosaurs and volcanoes.
Well sustained yarn with lots of commercial Hammer ingredients, including some atmospheric Dawn of Man sequences that pre-date 2001: A Space Odyssey (which was made at the same time but released later), combined with anachronistic but fun dinosaurs, battling over Raquel Welch in a fur bikini. The whole ridiculous premise is surprisingly powerful and enjoyably entertaining.

Written/Produced by: Michael Carreras.
Director: Don Chaffey.
Starring: John Richardson, Raquel Welch, Percy Herbert, Robert Brown, Martine Beswick, Jean Wladon.
Photography: Wilkie Cooper.
Music: Mario Nascimbene.
Special Effects: Ray Harryhausen.
Prologue Design: Les Bowie.

+ filmed on the Canary Isles

Raquel Welch in the pose that sold one million tickets.



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