Monday, December 24, 2007

Dec 19th
Angels with Dirty Faces***
US 1938. Warner Bros. 97m. bw

Two back street kids grow up to become a priest and a notorious gangster respectively. The latter agrees to act like a coward on his execution, for the sake of the other back street kids who admire him.
A typical example of Warner Brothers trying to have their cake and eat it, and largely succeeding: an action-packed gangster melodrama with an added superficial moral element, and also a top-notch vehicle for Cagney, with all the right ingredients in place, including the as-usual second-string Humphrey Bogart (who nonetheless relishes it), and The Dead End Kids, whom in spite of the film's poignantly optimistic ending, went back to their thieving ways (of course) in other films.

Written by: John Wexley, Warren Duff, from a story by Rowland Brown.
Producer: Sam Bischoff.
Director: Michael Curtiz.
Starring: James Cagney, Pat O'Brien, Humphrey Bogart, Ann Sheridan, George Bancroft, The Dead End Kids (Billy Halop, Bobby Jordan, Leo Gorcey, Gabriel Dell, Huntz Hall, Bernard Punsley), Frankie Burke (an uncanny impersonation of a young Cagney), William Tracey, Marilyn Knowlden.
Photography: Sol Polito.
Music: Max Steiner.
Art Direction: Robert Haas.

Preceded by:
News of the Day (1938)
MGM. 2m. bw
("Peace" Pact Signed at Munich – America Rallies for Tolerance – America Re-arms Against Tyranny!)

Out Where the Stars Begin*
(US 1938. 20m.; A make-up man helps a Broadway dancer to sneak into the studio.; w: Crane Wilbur; d: Bobby Connolly; s: Evelyn Thawl, Jeffrey Lynn, Fritz Feld (an amusing take-off of Michael Curtiz), Charley Foy, Pat O'Brien, Ann Sheridan; ph: Ray Renahan; m: M.K. Jerome, Jack Scholl; for Vitaphone/Warner Bros.)

Porky and Daffy**
(US 1938. Warner Bros. 8m. bw; Enjoyably absurd boxing cartoon short.; p: Leon Schlesinger; anim: Robert Cannon, John Carey; voices: Mel Blanc.)


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